IoT Sensor Solutions

LoRaWAN®  Sensors


LoRaWAN®  Sensors

OY1211 LoRaWAN® CO2 meter US915

LoRaWAN® sensor measuring temperature, humidity and CO2, with a maintenance free lifetime of 5 years at a 20-minute reporting interval. Designed for US915 frequency plans. Supports adaptive reporting functionality to detect rapid changes in CO2 levels.

OY1110H LoRaWAN® Temperature and high humidity sensor

LoRaWAN® sensor that measures temperature and humidity, with an incredible maintenance free lifetime of 10 years at a 5-minute measurement interval. Easy to use, configurable over the air and stylish in design to fit into indoor spaces.

Key Features

OY1600 LoRaWAN® Smart floor drain

The world’s first smart floor drain is now available!

In Sweden alone, water damages in buildings amount to more than half a billion EUR annually. This is a big problem for real estate owners, insurance companies and tenants, who

OY1500 LoRaWAN® Radon gas sensor

LoRaWAN® sensor that measures radon gas content in the air in real-time. Full range of 0-100 000 Bq/m3. Highly sensitive measurements, to enable ventilation control or to report on radon exposure during working hours.

OY1110 LoRaWAN® Temperature and humidity sensor

LoRaWAN® sensor that measures temperature and humidity, with an incredible maintenance free lifetime of 10 years at a 5-minute measurement interval. Easy to use, configurable over the air and stylish in design to fit into indoor spaces.

Key Features

OY1700 LoRaWAN® Particles meter

LoRaWAN® sensor that measures temperature, humidity and particles, in indoor environments. Easy to use, configurable over the air and stylish in design to fit into indoor spaces.

Key Features

  • LoRaWAN®
  • 868 MHz
  • Over

OY1400 LoRaWAN® converter 0-10V, 4-20 mA

LoRaWAN® unit designed to power and activate external analogue probes and transmit the signal over LoRaWAN® to your LoRaWAN® network. Fit for industrial environments, built to have many years of maintenance free battery life.

Key Features

  • LoRaWAN®

OY1410 LoRaWAN® Pulse meter

LoRaWAN® unit designed to function in combination with B Meters’ IWM PL 3 or IWM PL-4 pulse meters. Automatic pulse meter reading of various water meters. LoRaWAN® unit can be placed separately from water meter, making it excellent for

OY1210 LoRaWAN® CO2 meter

LoRaWAN® sensor that measures temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide, with an incredible maintenance free lifetime of 5 years at a 20-minute reporting interval. Easy to use, configurable over the air and stylish in design to fit into indoor spaces.


Macro LoRaWAN® Gateway

The Nordic Propeye Macro IoT Gateway is an ideal solution for operators and enterprises that require a very scalable low cost LoRaWAN® gateway that minimizes network TCO while improving coverage and capacity. In order to facilitate rapid deployment,

Micro LoRaWAN® Gateway

The Nordic Propeye Micro IoT Gateway is designed for enterprise and lightweight industrial applications that require “Always On” connectivity. Configured with an internal 3G/4G modem and a built-in battery backup, the Nordic Propeye Micro IoT gateway continues to